【経営者に求められる姿勢/Attitude required of management】 vol.1




70%を超える企業が慢性的な人材不足に頭を抱えていて、現に「十分な従業員を確保できずに事業を諦める求人難型倒産が倍増している(毎日新聞 2018.1.16)」と報じられています。






The owner or head of small and medium-sized business has to change the thought about human resources before the development of systems like education, evaluation following books in the market.

I recognized the importance of that through HR jobs at domestic listed company and foreign-affiliated consulting firm and my own experiences as small and medium-sized business executive.

More than 70% of domestic companies have the problem regarding chronic talent shortage. Actually it’s reported that the bankruptcy by job offer difficulty doubles in a year(ref mainichi newspaper as of 1/16/2018 ).

If management's view of human resources is fundamentally wrong, the management cannot escape from the negative chain that excellent employee resign. Because employees become to feel suspiciousness by the wrong thought and estimate the occasion to resign.

Unfortunately, many managements don’t recognize that only introducing a system which heaps of books in the market suggest is not effective.
Labor and Social Security Attorney office “ROOTs” help you to achieve the environment that employees and company grow together.



【就業規則あるある/A common story regarding Labor Regulations】

【利用しない手はない助成金/Noteworthy subsidy】