【経営者に求められる姿勢/Attitude required of management】 vol.7




しかも、それらルールを逸脱し摘発された行為は、厚生労働省のホームページで公表(毎月更新)されるため、社会的信用までを失い、会社存亡の危機に立たされることもあり得るわけです。(ref http://www.mhlw.go.jp/kinkyu/151106.html )


“Proper circulation of human resources”, the key factor of “Planter type” company consists of 6 elements, “Recruiting”, “Interview”, “Education”, “Work environment”, “Evaluation”, “Resignation”.
Let me pick up “Work environment” as today’s topic.

Could you confirm if the following items apply to your company?
1.      Communication between employees and communication between managers and employees is not considered as serious matter.
2.      To be honest, my company has not joined social insurance (health insurance, welfare pension insurance), labor insurance (employment insurance, work inuries insurance).
3.      I don’t have any opportunity to enjoy meal together with employees.

As last article says, there are few people who understand everything without specific instructions and can move themselves to actions. It is not possible for colleagues and managements to work in the same direction without timely sharing what they are thinking and what they are seeking.
At the same time, actions against social rules should be punished eventually.

For example, if it found uninsured of work injuries insurance when an employee injured in business, the insurance premium would be not only collected in the past two years but also 100% of the insurance benefits to be paid would be collected. And the management must pay the maximum wage of 1, 340 days. In the case of social insurance uninsured, in addition of up to 6 months imprisonment or a fine of 500,000 yen or less, the management operating small organizations such as management +2 employees must pay millions of yen in bulk since insurance premiums are collected dating back to the past two years.
To make matters worse, your company will lose social credibility since the actions caught are announced on the website of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. The announcement is renewed every month. (ref http://www.mhlw.go.jp/kinkyu/151106.html )

I would like you to recognize that few employee say “Company first”. Establishing the environment considering employees could be profit to your company.



【就業規則あるある/A common story regarding Labor Regulations】

【利用しない手はない助成金/Noteworthy subsidy】