【細かすぎて伝わらない? 労働基準法のこんなことあんなこと/Is it too tiny to understand? Points about Labor Standards Law】

一方で、「保険料の負担が困難」「手続きが面倒」「加入が必要と知らなかった」などの理由で、社会保険では13万(H29.3.29 厚労省発表資料)を超える事業所が未加入という実態が明らかになっています。
未加入のまま放置することにより抱えるリスクについては、49日【経営者に求められる姿勢/Attitude required of managementvol.7でも触れました。

使用者が①解雇予告手当 ②休業手当 ③割増賃金 ④年次有給休暇賃金を支払わず、労働者が請求して裁判所が支払いを命ずると、未払金+付加金(未払金と同一額)を支払い義務が発生することが労働基準法第114条で定められています。つまり、2倍の負担が発生するわけです。

In the case of labor insurance (workers' accident compensation and employment insurance) with one employee, and in social insurance (welfare pension and health insurance) with five or more employees, business establishments is obliged to join.
On the other hand, business establishments exceeding 130,000 (29.March.2018 released by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) have not joined in social insurance by reasons such as "difficult burden of insurance premiums", "troublesome procedure", "I did not know the necessity of joining", etc.
I wrote the risk of leaving it uninsured in the article, [attitude required of management vol.7] on 9 April.
Let's see the impact of misinterpretation in our daily management activities today.
Stingy management doubles penalty
Punishment may be imposed and "additional payment" may have to be asked in the case of non-payment such as wages and monetary benefits prescribed in Labor Standards Law.
If the worker requests and the court orders payment in the case of non-payment such like ① dismissal notice allowance ② leave allowance ③ overtime wage ④annual paid leave wage, the obligation to pay the accrued amount + additional payment (the same amount as the accrued amount) is stipulated in article of Labor Standards Law.That’s to say, penalty doubles.
Please be aware that your company may be put in danger of survival depending on the amount of payment obliged, although it is common that overstepping of rules have to be punished.



【就業規則あるある/A common story regarding Labor Regulations】

【利用しない手はない助成金/Noteworthy subsidy】