【頑張っている方のご紹介/Introduction of human with challenge spirits】


1.土鍋家/高田 麻由さん

ホームページ: http://picbear.online/donabeka.mayu

東日本大震災の原発事故に伴う風評被害で韓国から禁輸されるなど厳しい状況に置かれているホヤですが、著名なシンガーソングライター/吉川 団十郎氏に「ホヤの応援歌」を作ってもらえることになったそうです。

I would like to introduce a participant who presented their thoughts and activities at the monthly meeting of “Ichiban Shouhin-zukuri Juku” held on 30th July 2018.

1.      Donabeka/Mayu Takada-san
She is engaged in disseminating the attractiveness of “Donabe”, a pot made of soil in parallel with corporate training and coaching. Besides cooking rice more delicious than rice cooker, Donabe supplies you with joyful cooking by simmering, frying, steaming. If you are interested in it, visit URL below where various recipes are updated frequently.


2.      Sanriku-ocean co.,ltd / President Kimura-san
For over 13 years since entrepreneurship, he has devoted himself to resolve prejudice and deliver attractiveness about “Hoya”, sea squirt in English.
“Hoya” indutry is placed in a tough situation such as being banned from Korea due to rumors caused by the nuclear accident of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Mr.Kikkawa who is prominent artist composes a cheering song of “Hoya” as part of support.
I received a flyer above asking for funds with the theme of "make it together". If you can agree with it, please let me know. I’ll tell you the procedure of funds.



【就業規則あるある/A common story regarding Labor Regulations】

【利用しない手はない助成金/Noteworthy subsidy】