【経営力向上計画のススメ/Recommendation of Management capacity improvement plan】
中小企業等経営強化法における施策で、人材育成、コスト管理等のマネジメントの向上や 設備投資など、自社の経営力を向上するために実施する計画を策定し認定されると、次のような支援措置を受けることができるようになります。
・生産性を高めるための設備を取得した場合、 固定資産税の軽減措置(3年間1/2に軽減)や 中小企業経営強化税制(即時償却等)により税制面から支援
・計画に基づく事業に必要な資金繰りを支援 (融資・信用保証等)
・他社から事業承継等を行った場合、不動産の権利 移転に係る登録免許税・不動産取得税を軽減
I’m afraid that I have not updated this for 2 months.
Have you heard “Kei-ei-ryoku Koujou Keikaku”(management capacity improvement plan) ?
It is one of measures in the Management Reinforcement Law of small business. Once you have had approval of plans to improve your management capabilities, such as human resource development, cost management and other management improvements and capital investment, you will be able to receive the following supports.
・Mitigation of property tax (50% for 3 years) or immediate depreciation in the case of acquiring equipment to enhance productivity
・Supports necessary financing for business based on plan
・Priority adoption in subsidies to certified business operators
If you are interested in subsidies, loans with low interest or supposed to have capital investment, why don’t you consider?
中小企業等経営強化法における施策で、人材育成、コスト管理等のマネジメントの向上や 設備投資など、自社の経営力を向上するために実施する計画を策定し認定されると、次のような支援措置を受けることができるようになります。
・生産性を高めるための設備を取得した場合、 固定資産税の軽減措置(3年間1/2に軽減)や 中小企業経営強化税制(即時償却等)により税制面から支援
・計画に基づく事業に必要な資金繰りを支援 (融資・信用保証等)
・他社から事業承継等を行った場合、不動産の権利 移転に係る登録免許税・不動産取得税を軽減
I’m afraid that I have not updated this for 2 months.
Have you heard “Kei-ei-ryoku Koujou Keikaku”(management capacity improvement plan) ?
It is one of measures in the Management Reinforcement Law of small business. Once you have had approval of plans to improve your management capabilities, such as human resource development, cost management and other management improvements and capital investment, you will be able to receive the following supports.
・Mitigation of property tax (50% for 3 years) or immediate depreciation in the case of acquiring equipment to enhance productivity
・Supports necessary financing for business based on plan
・Priority adoption in subsidies to certified business operators
If you are interested in subsidies, loans with low interest or supposed to have capital investment, why don’t you consider?