【赤ちゃんを身籠り退職をお考えの従業員の方へ/An information for people who consider the resignation due to pregnancy】













7 months have already passed since last update because of too many tasks to update.

I picked up one of the cases which I think this should be social benefit.

This is about an employee with baby in my client.

The client proceeded with the procedure of sick-leave since she wished to take leaves before maternity leave in order to avoid the risk of COVID-19.

However, I got a report surprisingly that she wished to resign not to trouble coworkers.

The same thing seems to be happening in many companies. It’s strange that a person who is happy with baby has to give up working.

Then, I prepared a document like the attached file for her to judge how she should do correctly from the reason below.

1)The client owner evaluate her so highly.

2)She has been very enthusiastic about work.

3)She is not eligible for childcare leave benefits because she was not covered by employment insurance at the previous job and 1 year has not passed since she joined to the client.

The document showed the difference between the resignation and keep joining.

A maternal healthcare measures under COVID-19 became the additional support in terms of the income compensation.

She concluded to keep joining. I believe that the conclusion should be best for both of her and my client.



【頑張っている方のご紹介/Introduction of human with challenge spirits】

【意外に知られていない老齢年金停止手続き/Old-age pension suspension procedures that few people know】

【経営者に求められる姿勢/Attitude required of management】 vol.4